
Importance of Physical Activity

A century ago humans were many times more physically active then they are today. Technological advances have brought us many comforts and commodities from transportation to not having to get up to turn the television on anymore. This has put us in an interesting situation where we have become reliant on this technology, even dependent at times which has made us to put it blatantly -- lazy. 

There is a direct correlation between body and mind. If you keep your physical health up to par, in turn you will be doing the same for your mental state and vice versa. Sports play a big role in keeping us not only physically healthy, but mentally as well. The idea behind it is quite simple, when we are playing for example basketball or any sport, we only have one thought in our heads and that is to get the ball into the hoop or score. This keeps our mind focused on something positive and in present time and it doesn't allow our mind the carelessly wander around, in an endless chatter. 

The benefits of daily exercise and keeping your body in motion don't just end there. Science today has proven to us that regularly staying active can have significant impacts on our health in so many ways. Beneficial for anxiety, depression, reduces stress hormone, improves vitality, and decreases tension in body just to name a few. Something significant that is often overlooked is the link between our breath when we are exercising. As we become more and more active we notice how correlated your breath is with our state of consciousness we start to learn in which ways to control our breath for certain activities such as sports and meditation. Oxygen is fuel for our cells in the body, receiving enough of it essential for optimal health. I'm sure you might have noticed when we become anxious or stressed our breath becomes very short and constricting; so it is very important to stay conscious of this. Exercising will force us to inhale more oxygen and ultimately teach us how to do it in the best and most efficient manor. 


Our environment and the human body

All year round we are experiencing the luxuries of 21st century living, meaning we are constantly protected and our survival needs have been met more then any previous generation before us. Even though this is a blessing on in one hand, on the other it is detaching us from mother nature, yes mother nature which gave us birth. All year round we are living at a certain temperature, as if we were in incubators; in turn confusing our bodies natural clocks and senses. We need to expose ourselves to the elements to realign ourselves with nature and the true essence of being human. Go outside and enjoy the the sunrise in the morning, or the beautiful sunset in the evening; allow your body to feel the earth like it once did. 

Grounding or earthing is something that is quite overlooked as we are always wearing shoes, or something over our feet; thus severing our connection to earth and its energy. Grounding is the practice of going barefoot on grass, dirt, sand etc. which allows earths natural electrical charge to connect with you. There are a number of benefits attributed to this practice including, reduced stress levels, decreased levels of inflammation and pain, and improved circulation. 

We are ever so isolated from our earths energies especially in these so called concrete jungles where we are constantly bombarded by different frequencies emitted from routers, radio towers, cellular devices, and other forms of radiation. Here is a video on how frequencies effect matter around us, sand in particular; these frequencies have the same effect on water. "If we want to find the secretes of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration" -- Nikola Tesla

We must remember that our bodies are 70 percent water, and the cells within us; so we must raise the question what impact do these invisible frequencies have on our bodies as a whole. If we look at people who spend their lives in less developed countries, or even on farms, or somewhere out of town they relatively live healthier and longer lives; this isn't just out of coincidence.  

It was discovered that 432hz is earths natural frequencies which is mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe and found all throughout the planet and nature. In 1953 there was a worldwide agreement that all music would be tuned to 440hz. Even in Nazi Germany it was eluded to that listening to this frequencies traps consciousness within certain parameters by propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. Today a lot of the music we listen to is tuned to 440hz! Even this slight change in frequency is enough to change the structure of the cells in our body as you might have noticed in the video I have shared. Now, we can only ask ourselves what this constant exposure to certain sounds and frequencies has on us!  


Things that impact us on the physical plane

The 21st century comes with many surprises that we might not be aware of at first glance because we believe that everything in this world is in our best interest, when this clearly is not the case. If we look back in time even to the early 1930s - 50s doctors prescribed cigarettes believing they were beneficial to health. Many of the things we use today still have not been studied adequately even to be used for humans as a race we are still evolving, learning and finding out the impact that certain things have on our systems. 

Electronic cigarettes are another relatively new phenomena that has clearly has an impact on ones health. If we look at the human system, we were obviously not designed to be inhaling any type of smoke into the lungs, this is just the first thing we must look at. Secondly, what are we actually inhaling? A combination of chemicals that are not natural for our lungs, vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, and then ultimately nicotine which stresses the system. It does not take long for someone especially the user to see the impact this has on them not only physically but the psychological dependency that they create through regular use, need higher and higher doses of nicotine to satisfy cravings. Yet we find it hard to let go of habits and the feelings associated with smoking nicotine, or even doing something just because others are. Do what you must for the benefit of yourself, don't follow others - be a leader and a trend setter. Why allow yourself to be a slave to anything? I'm sure many of you have experienced smoking too much nicotine which lead to vomiting and nausea, if this was not a clear indicator of what its doing to your system then I don't know what is, yet you still choose to consume. 

From the blatantly obvious to the more subtle, there are things that seem quite harmless but are in fact harming our systems more then we think. Think about things that we use regularly everyday, things that we are in contact with the most. If we look at deodorants, shampoos, body wash, soaps, detergents, cosmetics, or anything that is directly applied to the skin can have a big impact on our physical bodies. This is because skin is the biggest organ on our bodies believe it or not, and everything applied to it is absorbed. In the 1960-70s aluminum was identified as a possible carcinogen. This is just one example of a harmful metal found in something we use "everyday", so you can imagine the impact it has on the system overtime. Hopefully the people who created all of these produced were aware of what they were putting into their products because many of them were found to cause cancer and other complications in humans. Knowing this, it is important to be weary of what we are actually applying to our skins, because every chemical is absorbed into the skin thus entering the system - many of these chemicals are foreign to our bodies, meaning there is no telling how they might affect us. 

Fluoride is another substance that we might not be aware of, or even have ever heard of. We know that when we visit the dentist, we have the option of fluoride treatment which strengthens our teeth and enamel. Today, many concerns have been raised bout the use of fluoride in many applications which include: water, bottled water, toothpaste, and mouthwash just to name a few. I have provided a LINK to explain in detail all of the risks involved with fluoride exposure.

Medical Disclaimer: All content found on the Dispel.Life Website, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only.  The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.


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